понеділок, 13 лютого 2023 р.

The war between China and Taiwan and the USA

The war between China and Taiwan and the USA

Mr. President!



In previous work, I considered examples of how to apply the Emotional Tone Scale to wars of the past. 

A method of assessing the combat capability of the army and the chances of victory in the war


Consider the war of the future. China's war against Taiwan and the USA. China 1.1, USA 3.0. It is clear that 3.0 is more than 1.1. The USA will win. However, there is one nuance. What is the emotional tone of Taiwan? How to correctly define the emotional tone of Taiwan?

Why is it so important to determine the emotional tone of Taiwan in China's war against the US over Taiwan? Because the Republic of Taiwan is the "weak link" in China's war against the US over Taiwan.

The betrayal of the Taiwanese in China's war against the US for Taiwan.

Chinese spies in China's war against the US over Taiwan.

Agents of Chinese influence in Taiwan in China's war against the US over Taiwan.

Pro-Chinese Taiwanese collaborators in China's war against the US over Taiwan.

Communists and sympathizers of the People's Republic of China from among the Taiwanese in China's war against the United States for Taiwan.

Blackmailed, recruited and bought by the PRC from among the Taiwanese in China's war against the US over Taiwan.

There must be a lot of Taiwanese listed above today. They realize the fact of betrayal. This lowers the emotional tone of Taiwan. The question is how much? How much has the emotional tone of Taiwanese people fallen? Has the massive decline in the emotional tone of the Taiwanese become a threat? Not yet?  

Starting from February 24, 2022, the occupying troops of the Russian Federation rapidly occupied the south of Ukraine thanks to treason. Philip Karber, president of The Potomac Foundation, diplomatically stated that he did not understand the circumstances of the lightning occupation of southern Ukraine. Austrian analyst Tom Cooper speaks directly: who are the traitors, women and men, that the occupiers quickly occupied the south of Ukraine? The Ukrainian Government comments on the fact that the invaders quickly occupied the south of Ukraine: the fact will be investigated after the victory. However, the Government of Ukraine has not yet announced the isolation of suspected high-ranking traitors.

The same applies to Taiwan in China's war against the US over Taiwan. To initially determine the emotional tone of the Taiwanese, to lower the emotional tone of the Chinese, may be a decisive factor in China's war against the US over Taiwan.

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